Welcome to Bria Cheri’s website for the FLAVA radio show on www.KFSMRADIO.net where you can get a just enough FLAVA to start your weekend and continue through the next week!

Online radio show broadcasting live from New York to introduce and support independent artists.

FLAVA Radio show with host, Bria Cheri, is an hourly hip-hop and R&B show with independent artist interviews. The show broadcasts from New York.

Flava informs listeners about entertainment news and provides a platform for independent artists to discuss their music, performances, goals and more. Independent artists call in from South Korea, London, Toronto, and the US for interviews. The primary aim is providing support to independent artists who are impeded by being recognized due to insufficient funding, support, and recognition. All genres of music are accepted and aired on the show.

Flava is a show that can uplift your spirits, put you into a party zone or reminisce by listening to old school music with a nice blend of contemporary hip-hop music to enjoy with friends, family, and colleagues. Known as Bria Cheri through her radio career from Long Island University Post’s www.wcwp.org and has since transitioned to an online radio station www.KFSMRADIO.net.

Preview Guest Appearances

Special Guest from Atlanta featured 2023

Guest Appearance 2023


C.E.O of Aviator Posse from Atlanta & Kansas. Previously opened up J. Holiday and Zapp & Roger in Kansas. His music captures the essence of old school hip-hop catering to unsung heroes.

*Interview:  explicit *

Spice it up with FLAVA. Tune into a combination of old school hip-hop, R&B, Afro beats, and contemporary hits!

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